When damage befalls your home through absolutely no fault of your own, you trust that your insurance provider will cover the costs of repairs and rebuilding in accordance with the contract you signed with them. If your insurer decides to act in bad faith, however, you might not have an easy time receiving the compensation you deserve.
Many issues can arise in relation to insurance companies failing to uphold their end of the bargain when homeowners file damage claims. If your home sustains damage from a storm, fire, water, wind or any other uncontrollable cause, then you need to recognize when your insurance provider might be acting in bad faith.
Some insurance companies engage in bad faith by denying or delaying payouts or coverage of homeowner claims. In other cases, the insurance company might offer a lowball settlement that is clearly below the value of your claim. A particularly malicious tactic is for the insurer to make unreasonable documentation requests or excessive investigations in an attempt to prolong the process and frustrate you to the point of dropping the claim or accepting a low settlement.
Defending yourself against bad faith behavior starts by understanding your insurance policy. When you are fully familiar with the terms that your insurance provider must adhere to, you can take the most appropriate course of action.
It is important to keep in mind, though, that you are not alone in fighting back against insurance bad faith. An experienced attorney can stand up for you as the homeowner and help you get the coverage you are due.